Make Vegetable Broth from Scraps

Make Vegetable Broth from Scraps

Don't throw out your veggie scraps: Make Vegetable Broth!


Did you know that vegetable broth can be made from scraps?! [I’m serious… you will want to reach for the garbage can when chopping and peeling your vegetables… but please resist]. Instead of purchasing broth/stock from the store or using fresh vegetables to make it, use vegetable scraps.

How to Make Veggie Broth from Scraps

Start by collecting vegetable scraps in a large freezer safe bag or other freezer container.

Veggies to Collect Scraps From:

  • onion, garlic, carrot, celery, sweet bell peppers, peas, squash, lettuce, potato, green beans, zucchini, eggplant, mushrooms, fresh herbs (oregano, basil, dill, parsley, thyme, rosemary)

I don’t recommend adding any vegetables that can make the broth bitter:

  • cabbage, cauliflower, bok choy, broccoli, kale, collard greens, sweet potato, turnip, and radish. Also, adding more onion skins will result in a darker broth.

Collect all the stems, peels, skins, and cut off ends from these vegetables and herbs. When using scraps such as carrot and potato peels make sure the vegetables have been washed prior to peeling. Remember not to make pesticide soup…

Fill the freezer bag or container over time. Empty the scraps into a large pot and cover with cold water. I also like to throw in 1-2 bay leaves for extra-delish flavour. You may want to, but I don’t add any salt or pepper. I use this broth for sauces/soups and I like to add the seasonings while I make the meal to avoid over seasoning. Oh the disappointment of salty wonton soup… I hope to forget you.

Turn up to high heat and wait until it comes to a boil. Then turn it down to medium heat and simmer for an hour uncovered. I like to stir it occasionally and press the veggie scraps with a wooden spoon. Sit and wait patiently for one hour… ahaha go do something else…

Finally strain the vegetable scraps out with a mesh strainer and press out any leftover goodness back into the broth. I like to strain it into large measuring cups so it is easier to pour. Throw the scraps into the compost bin and leave the broth to cool. Once the broth has cooled down, choose the type of container to store it in.

Use next week: use a few mason jars or larger container to store it in the fridge.

Use at a later date: pour in plastic containers (BPA free) or mason jars to the fill line (which is an inch away from the top) and store it in the freezer. Do not fill to the brim because it expands when frozen and can crack the jar.

Smaller quantities: pour into a few ice cube trays, freeze, and transfer to a freezer bag or container. These smaller portions are great for adding to sauces when you only need a small amount of broth.

Happy Scrapping 🙂

Have you tried making vegetable broth from scraps? What else do you use your veggie scraps for?


4 Responses

  1. Ashley says:

    This is the easiest diy veggie broth ever! Great tips. ?

  2. runawayanna says:

    Great idea! I’m gonna try it.. just to remember not to throw the scraps away 🙂

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