Tag: natural

Whiten Teeth with Activated Charcoal

As a child, I wouldn’t dare… however, as an adult I am asking Santa to bring me some coal (activated charcoal that is). Hopefully Santa has access to my Amazon wishlist (crossing fingers!) Now why in the world would I be asking for activated charcoal… What is Activated Charcoal? Activated charcoal comes in capsule or…
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Natural Moisturizing Body Butter

These cold winter days really have my dry skin craving some moisture… or maybe a vacation where my skin can soak up the sun ;). I am totally daydreaming… because we are taking our first trip together outside of North America in a few weeks and I AM SO EXCITED. What is in Commercial Lotions,…
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Oil Pulling

What is Oil Pulling Oil pulling (also known as Gandusha) is a Ayurvedic practice of swishing a natural oil around in the mouth for oral and whole body health benefits. Essentially, the oil is gathering up all the toxins from the mouth while its antiviral and antibacterial properties work to kill bacteria in the mouth.…
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Natural Homemade Vapor Rub

Stuffy nose? Congested chest? Sore throat? Coughing and sneezing? Nobody likes to be sick. Try a Natural Vapor Rub with a recipe for both adults and kids!

Boar Bristle Brush

My BBB (boar bristle brush) is my new bb. No this is not the latest fad… boar bristle brushes have actually been around for a long time! Remember hearing about how you should brush your hair with 100 strokes a day? Sounds like it came from a childhood princess book. This might be a fairytale…
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Pumpkin Face Mask

Get those cute fall boots out and jump into your cozy oversized sweater. It’s time to cure your summer blues and embrace autumn with with a face full of pumpkin pie. Literally. We are putting food on our face… and not because we are slobs. Ingredients Pumpkin contains enzymes and alpha hydroxy acids, which help to…
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Moisturizing Oil Hair Mask

Leave-in conditioners aren’t doing your hair justice. They should be called leave-in-the-store-condtioners 😉 because they are coating your hair with chemicals to make hair “appear” shiny and healthy while just covering up the damage. Ingredients Coconut oil is full of vitamins, minerals, and medium chain fatty acids. It also contains lauric acid, which is able…
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Reasons to Love Himalayan Salt Lamps

Himalayan Salt Lamps have been illuminating our home for many years. Yes it looks like just a lump of salt… but don’t underestimate what it can do! What is a Himalayan Salt Lamp? Himalayan Salt Lamps are blocks of salt which are hand carved and mined from the Himalayan Mountains in Khewra, Pakistan. They are…
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Non-Toxic Toothpaste

Oh sensitive teeth. How you have made me avoid drinking anything containing ice, eating ice cream, or having anything too sugary… and when I am a rebel and do it anyways… then comes the “mouth-freeze” pain [like a brain freeze inside your teeth]. No sensitive toothpaste or numbing gel could comfort me… until I made…
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Why NOT to Wash Hair Everyday

Yes I am telling you NOT to wash your hair everyday. No I have not completely lost my marbles. Yes you will thank me later. Why NOT to Wash Hair Everyday 1. Normalize production of oil/sebum We wash our hair to remove oil, but washing too often dries out the scalp and it produces even…
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