Tag: laundry

How to Refresh Stinky Non-Absorbing Towels

Do your towels begin to stink a few days after laundering? Are they not absorbing water like they used to? SOS! Someone help! Get a CPR instructor to breathe some new life into the towels. 😉 No CPR instructor needed here… just some ingredients from the pantry: vinegar and baking soda. Why do towels stink and lose their…
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Homemade Natural Laundry Detergent

I have always had sensitive skin. Growing up, I would always get eczema on my inner elbows and rashes on my body from my clothing [actually from laundry detergent and fabric softeners], which led to doctor visits for special creams. If you suffer from eczema, try replacing the toxic ingredients that come in contact with your skin…
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